These Homemade Apple Fritters Are Easier Than You Think – And Absolutely Delicious

Apple Fritters recipe

Ever had one of those moments when you want something special but don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen?

That’s when I discovered the magic of Homemade Apple Fritters.

It’s a recipe I keep coming back to because it’s fun, fast, and delivers on flavor every single time.

Plus, learning How To Make Apple Fritters at home gives you the freedom to experiment with toppings (hello, maple glaze!).

Why You’ll Love This Recipe:

  • You can fry or bake these fritters – I’ll guide you through both methods.
  • Perfect blend of cinnamon and apple with just the right sweetness.
  • Ideal for breakfast, dessert, or a cozy snack.
  • Uses everyday ingredients, so no need for a grocery run!

Nutritious and Easy Apple Fritters Recipe for Four

Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes


  • 2 medium apples (Granny Smith or Honeycrisp for a tart flavor)
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour (substitute: gluten-free flour)
  • 1 ½ tsp baking powder
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar (can substitute with coconut sugar for a healthier option)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • Pinch of nutmeg (optional, but adds warmth)
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ½ cup milk (substitute: almond or oat milk for dairy-free)
  • 1 large egg (substitute: ¼ cup applesauce or flaxseed egg for egg-free)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • Oil for frying (use avocado or coconut oil for a lighter option)
  • Powdered sugar (optional, for dusting)
  • Maple syrup and chocolate syrup, cream, caramel sauce and cherry (optional, choose the one that suits you for serving)

Apple Fritters recipe ing

Cinnamon Vanilla Glaze Ingredients:

  • 1 cup (120g) powdered sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 2–3 tablespoons milk (or almond milk for a dairy-free option)


Prepare the apples:

    • Peel, core, and chop the apples into small, bite-sized cubes. I like to keep them about ¼ inch to ensure they cook evenly. If you prefer a slightly more tart fritter, Granny Smith apples are great, but Honeycrisp brings a sweet crunch.
    • Tip: If you’re looking for a shortcut, you could shred the apples instead of chopping them, which helps the batter come together even faster.

Mix the dry ingredients:

    • In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. This ensures that everything is evenly distributed for a well-balanced batter.
    • Allergen Tip: If you’re using gluten-free flour, opt for a blend that includes xanthan gum to help bind the fritters together.

Prepare the wet ingredients:

    • In a separate bowl, whisk together the milk, egg (or applesauce), and vanilla extract. For a dairy-free version, I recommend using almond or oat milk, which keeps the fritters light but still flavorful.
    • Egg-Free Option: If you’re going for an egg-free recipe, a flaxseed egg (1 tbsp ground flaxseed + 3 tbsp water) works perfectly as a binding agent.

Combine wet and dry ingredients:

    • Gradually pour the wet mixture into the dry ingredients and stir until just combined. Be careful not to overmix – a few lumps are okay. This step is crucial for keeping the fritters fluffy rather than dense.

Fold in the apples:

    • Gently fold the chopped apples into the batter until they’re well coated. At this point, your kitchen will start smelling like fall, and the anticipation builds!

Heat the oil:

    • In a deep skillet or saucepan, heat about 1 inch of oil over medium heat. You want it to reach around 350°F (175°C). To test if it’s ready, drop a tiny bit of batter into the oil. If it bubbles up immediately and starts turning golden brown, you’re good to go.
    • Health Tip: If you prefer baking over frying, preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C) and lightly grease a muffin tin. Spoon the batter into the tin and bake for 15-18 minutes until golden brown.

Fry the fritters:

    • Drop spoonfuls of batter (about 2 tablespoons per fritter) into the hot oil, being careful not to overcrowd the pan. Fry for 2-3 minutes per side until golden brown. Use a slotted spoon to remove the fritters and place them on a paper towel-lined plate to drain excess oil.
    • Tip: Don’t make the fritters too large, as they cook faster and more evenly when they’re bite-sized.


Dust and serve:

    • If desired, dust the warm fritters with powdered sugar for a touch of sweetness. Drizzle with caramel sauce or cinnamon maple syrup for an extra indulgence. I find that a light sprinkle is perfect to balance the apple and cinnamon flavors without overwhelming them.

Apple Fritters recipe

 Glaze Instructions:

  • Mix Dry Ingredients: In a small bowl, combine the powdered sugar and ground cinnamon. Stir until the cinnamon is evenly distributed.
  • Add Vanilla: Pour in the vanilla extract and mix.
  • Adjust Consistency: Gradually add milk (or almond milk for a dairy-free option), starting with 2 tablespoons, and stir until you achieve a smooth, pourable consistency. If the glaze is too thick, add more milk in small increments until it reaches the desired texture.
  • Glaze the Fritters: After frying and cooling the apple fritters slightly (about 5 minutes), drizzle the warm fritters with the cinnamon vanilla glaze. For extra sweetness, dip the entire fritter in the glaze!

Serve and enjoy!

    • These apple fritters are best served warm, straight out of the skillet.
    • Pair them with a cup of coffee or tea for the ultimate cozy treat. They make a perfect dessert, snack, or even breakfast!
Apple Fritters recipe with cream and cherry
Apple Fritters recipe with cream and cherry

Tips and Substitutions:

  • Apples: While Granny Smith is my go-to, any apple variety can work depending on your flavor preference. You could even mix different types for a fun twist.
  • Oil: Avocado oil has a high smoke point and keeps the fritters light, while coconut oil adds a subtle richness.
  • Gluten-Free Tip: Ensure your baking powder is gluten-free, as some brands can contain traces of gluten.

Notes to Remember:

  • Keep the oil at a steady temperature of 350°F (175°C) for even cooking. If the oil gets too hot, the outside of the fritters will brown too quickly, leaving the inside undercooked.
  • These fritters can be made ahead of time and reheated in the oven at 350°F (175°C) for 5-7 minutes to regain their crispness.
Apple Fritters recipe with caramel sauce
Apple Fritters recipe with caramel sauce

Further Clarifications For making this Apple Fritters Recipe:

Consistency of the Batter:

    • When mixing the wet and dry ingredients, it’s important to keep the batter thick enough to coat the apples without running off.
    • A common mistake is making the batter too thin, which leads to flat, greasy fritters. If your batter is too runny, add an extra tablespoon of flour. You want it thick but still scoopable.
    • Tip: Use a Cast Iron Apple Fritters pan if you want a more even, crispy texture while frying. The cast iron helps retain heat for consistent cooking.

Oil Temperature Control:

    • Maintaining the right oil temperature (350°F / 175°C) is crucial. If the oil is too hot, the fritters will brown on the outside while staying raw in the middle.
    • If the oil is too cold, they will absorb too much oil, resulting in greasy fritters. A Homemade Donuts Recipe technique that works well here is to use a kitchen thermometer to keep the oil at a steady temperature.
    • Tip: Fry in batches and avoid overcrowding the pan to prevent the oil from cooling down too much.

Fritter Size Matters:

    • Large fritters might look tempting, but smaller ones cook more evenly and stay crisp longer. Stick to using 2 tablespoons of batter per fritter.
    • This will ensure they cook all the way through and have that perfect golden exterior. If you’re looking for a Crispy Apple Fritters Recipe, making them bite-sized is a great trick to achieve that extra crispness.

Gluten-Free Version Adjustments:

    • If using gluten-free flour, add an extra ¼ tsp of baking powder to help the fritters rise properly. Gluten-free flours tend to be denser, so a little extra leavening agent helps keep them fluffy.
    • Also, double-check that your baking powder is gluten-free, as some contain traces of gluten. This is especially important when following a Gluten-Free Fritters Recipe.

Apple Preparation:

    • A common issue when making Homemade Apple Fritters is undercooking the apples.
    • Chopping the apples into small, uniform pieces ensures they cook evenly within the fritters.
    • Large chunks can stay too firm or even break the fritter structure. Opt for a small dice (around ¼ inch) to avoid this.

Baking Instead of Frying:

    • While frying provides that crispy exterior we all love, baking is a great alternative if you want a healthier version of this recipe.
    • For Baked Apple Fritters, simply spoon the batter into a greased muffin tin and bake at 375°F (190°C) for about 15-18 minutes until golden brown.
    • They won’t have the same crispiness as fried, but they’ll still taste delicious and can be a great breakfast treat.

Spice Balance:

    • When adding spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, don’t be tempted to overdo it.
    • These spices can easily overwhelm the apples. Stick to the recommended quantities to keep the Cinnamon Apples Dessert balanced and flavorful, letting the apple sweetness shine through.
Apple Fritters recipe with chocolate syrup
Apple Fritters recipe with chocolate syrup

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Making Apple Fritters

1. Ingredient Selection

  • Choosing the wrong apples: Using overly soft apples can lead to mushy fritters. Opt for firm, tart apples like Granny Smith or Honeycrisp for a perfect balance of sweetness and texture.
  • Incorrect flour choice: Substituting gluten-free flour without adding an extra raising agent can make fritters dense. If you’re making gluten-free Apple Fritters, add ¼ tsp extra baking powder to ensure fluffiness.
  • Milk substitution errors: When substituting regular milk with a dairy-free alternative (like almond or oat milk), ensure that it’s unsweetened to maintain the proper balance of flavors.

2. Preparation Pitfalls

  • Overmixing the batter: Overmixing can make the batter too tough, resulting in dense fritters. Stir just until the ingredients are combined to keep the fritters light and fluffy.
  • Improper apple size: Cutting the apples too large can cause uneven cooking. Dice the apples into small, uniform pieces for even cooking and distribution in the batter.
  • Too much batter per fritter: Dropping too much batter into the oil at once will result in undercooked centers. Stick to 2 tablespoons of batter per fritter for even frying.

3. Cooking Techniques

  • Oil temperature mistakes: If the oil is too hot, the fritters will brown quickly but remain raw inside. Use a thermometer to keep the oil at 350°F (175°C) for perfectly cooked fritters.
  • Crowding the pan: Frying too many fritters at once drops the oil temperature, leading to soggy, greasy fritters. Fry in small batches for crispy results.
  • Not draining properly: After frying, let the fritters drain on a wire rack or paper towels to remove excess oil and keep them crisp.

4. Seasoning and Flavoring

  • Under-seasoning the batter: Fritters can be bland without enough cinnamon or nutmeg. Don’t be afraid to add an extra pinch to enhance the flavor. For a more elevated flavor, consider adding a splash of vanilla extract or even a bit of lemon zest for brightness.
  • Sugar imbalance: If dusting with powdered sugar, don’t overdo it. A light dusting keeps it from becoming too sweet and allows the apple flavor to shine through.

5. Presentation Tips

  • Inconsistent fritter shapes: Unevenly sized fritters will not cook at the same rate, leading to some being overcooked while others are underdone. Use a cookie scoop or tablespoon to create uniform fritters.

Skipping the garnish: A light dusting of powdered sugar or a drizzle of glaze adds visual appeal and a sweet finish. For an extra fall touch, serve with a cinnamon maple glaze.

Apple Fritters recipe with cinnamon vanilla glaze
Apple Fritters recipe with cinnamon vanilla glaze

Pairing Suggestions and Seasonal Variations

1. Pairing Suggestions

  • Beverages: Pair these crispy Apple Fritters with a warm cup of apple cider or a spiced chai latte for a cozy fall treat. A scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream also complements the fritters perfectly.
  • Side Dishes: Serve with a side of Cinnamon Apple Pastries or Maple Apple Desserts for a full dessert spread. If serving as breakfast, consider pairing with a savory side like bacon or sausage to balance the sweetness.

2. Seasonal Variation

  • Fall Twist: Add a dash of pumpkin spice to the batter for an autumnal twist on this classic treat, making them similar to Pumpkin Fritters.
  • Winter Version: Swap out apples for pears or cranberries to create a festive winter variation. Adding a sprinkle of ground cloves or cardamom enhances the warm flavor profile.
  • Spring/Summer Adaptation: Lighten the fritters by adding a citrus glaze or swapping apples for peaches or berries in the summer months.

3. Fun Facts

  • Did you know? The concept of apple fritters has been around since medieval times when cooks would fry fruits to preserve them for longer. Today, variations of apple fritters can be found in many cuisines worldwide.

Apple Fritters recipe


  1. Can I use a different type of apple?
    • Yes, but it’s best to stick with firm, tart varieties like Granny Smith or Honeycrisp to prevent the fritters from becoming too soft or mushy.
  1. How do I make these fritters gluten-free?
    • Substitute regular flour with gluten-free flour and add ¼ tsp extra baking powder to ensure the fritters rise properly.
  1. Can I bake these fritters instead of frying?
    • Yes! Although frying gives the crispiest results, you can bake them at 375°F (190°C) for about 12-15 minutes, flipping halfway through.
  1. What’s the best oil for frying fritters?
    • Vegetable or canola oil is ideal for frying Apple Fritters because of its neutral flavor and high smoke point.

Closing Thoughts

If you’re a fan of classic, comforting flavors, these Apple Fritters are the perfect recipe to add to your repertoire.

Whether you enjoy them as a cozy breakfast or a late-night treat, this recipe is easy to follow and delivers mouthwatering results every time. I can’t wait to hear how your fritters turn out—whether you made the original version or tried a fun variation!

Share your experience, any twists you added, or ask questions in the comments below! And don’t forget to tag me on social media when you post your delicious creations.

Apple Fritters recipe with cinnamon vanilla glaze

Apple Fritters recipe with cinnamon vanilla glaze

This apple fritters recipe is a nourishing, satisfying treatthat’s perfect for any time of day. Whether you’re frying or baking, it’ssimple enough for beginners and promises delicious results every time. Enjoy!
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes


  • 2 medium apples peeled, cored, and diced (¼ inch pieces)
  • 1 cup 125g all-purpose flour (or gluten-free flour + ¼ tsp extra baking powder)
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 ½ tsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp ground cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp nutmeg
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 egg
  • ½ cup 120ml milk (or almond milk for dairy-free)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • Oil for frying use vegetable or canola
  • Powdered sugar for dusting optional
  • 1 cup 120g powdered sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 2 –3 tablespoons milk
  • Chocolate syrup or caramel sauce or cream cherry for dressing


  • Mix Dry Ingredients: In a bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt.
  • Combine Wet Ingredients: In another bowl, whisk the egg, milk, and vanilla. Gradually add the wet mixture to the dry ingredients, stirring until smooth and thick.
  • Fold in Apples: Gently fold diced apples into the batter.
  • Heat Oil: Heat 2-3 inches of oil in a pan to 350°F (175°C).
  • Fry Fritters: Drop 2-tbsp portions of batter into the oil, frying in batches for 2-3 minutes per side until golden brown.
  • Drain and Dust: Drain fritters on paper towels. Use the desired dressing and dust with powdered sugar before serving.

Glaze Instructions:

  • Mix Dry Ingredients: In a small bowl, combine the powdered sugar and ground cinnamon. Stir until the cinnamon is evenly distributed.
  • Add Vanilla: Pour in the vanilla extract and mix.
  • Adjust Consistency: Gradually add milk (or almond milk for a dairy-free option), starting with 2 tablespoons, and stir until you achieve a smooth, pourable consistency. If the glaze is too thick, add more milk in small increments until it reaches the desired texture.
  • Glaze the Fritters: After frying and cooling the apple fritters slightly (about 5 minutes), drizzle the warm fritters with the cinnamon vanilla glaze. For extra sweetness, dip the entire fritter in the glaze!


  • Ensure oil is at the correct temperature for crispy fritters.
  • Dice apples small for even cooking.
Disclaimer: The recipes shared on this blog are based on personal preferences and are provided for informational purposes only. I strive to ensure accuracy and relevance, but cannot guarantee that the information will always be up to date or error-free. They should not be considered as medical or health advice. If you have any health issues, dietary restrictions, or allergies, please consult with a specialist or healthcare provider before trying any recipe. I do not accept responsibility for any adverse effects that may arise from the preparation or consumption of the dishes featured on this site. Also, the final outcome of the recipes can look different depending on a lot of factors, including the cooking temperature, process, utensils you use, spices, etc. Enjoy responsibly!

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